Thursday, September 29, 2011


You will always be part of our family, no matter that you are not with us anymore.
We will keep the memory in our hearts.
Love you...

Now just rest and wait us there :)

This is your song :

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

*Experiences can be judged by their interest curves*

Interest Curves
A) Good curve

                         B  “ the hook “-> intro movie

  B) Bad Curve

  C) Fractal Curve

A)     Overall game : intro movie, fallowed by a series of levels of rising interest, ending with a major climax where the player defeats the game
B)    Each level : New aesthetics or challenges engage the player at the start, and then the player is confronted with a series of challenges ( battles, puzzles etc… ) that provide rising interest until the end of the level, which often ends with some kind of “ Boss battle”
C)    Each challenge : Every challenge the player encounters hopefully has a good interest curve in itself, with an interesting introduction, and stepped rising challenges as you work your way through it .

How i get there.

3 1/2 years ago... 

3 1/2 years later

It's all about passion. 3 years ago no one believed in me. But the long sleepless nights paid off. So what i'm trying to say with this post is :
1) If you love somethings Go for it !
2) If no one believes in you ! Show them that you can!
3) You are making you life path and no one else. You always can go and be employee in the near supermarket. But remember that you have only one life ... the clock is saying " tick - tack ". Will you be that reflection you like seeing in the mirror or ?
4) You will always fail. The thing is to stand up fast and keep going.
5) If you don't have talent. Practice more ! You will get there with hard work...

Almost 4 years of studying 3D. Hoping to make games... And now - > Happy face :) [ 3D artist @ ]

Start doin` what you love !!! Time is running out...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

UDK/UDN image importing

2 h lost in research... but finally some knowledge get in.
So what you should be aware off when you are importing textures in UDN.

1) Texture formats : .tga, .png and the others from the scroll bar / UDN does not support .jpg! /

2) You should use RGB color scheme

3) For non transp textures 24 bits .tga is good. For transp 32bit .png or .tga / for main menus .png is best coz of the size reducing /

4) And the issue I struggle !!! Your textures must be " Power of 2 " examples :
2, 4, 8 ,16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096  / you also can combine 512x256, 1024 x 512 etc /

And here is the lame thing. If lets say you have " Play " button which is 120x80 pixels ... you should use 128x128  / you will fill up 120x80 / and the rest must be transparent. It's not a big deal ... but it's a little pain in the ass to figure it out.


p.s Maybe there are some other stuffs to be aware off but for now this is from me. [ Cheers ]